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Rossodisera Events, event organization and furniture and equipment rental company
Rossodisera Events in italiano. Organizzazione eventi, noleggio arredi e attrezzature a Milano, Lombardia e non solo


Tipology: Other
Dimensions: 75-150 m2
Position: Milan Periphery

Nice room of about 140 m2 at the basement floor of a residential building in the north-east part of the city, near viale Padova. It posses a light brown parquet floor and the walls are partially covered with mirrors. At the larger end of the room there is a raised part which can be used as a stage. The illumination system comprehends also orientable spot lights. There is also an audio system which can spply background music or amplify the voice of a presenter. This location is suiable for children parties, photoshooting sessions, presentations and other events during the day Saturday and Sunday. The price of the renting depends on the kind of the event, and starts from about 500 Euros per day.

Rossodisera Events srl
Via Eugenio Curiel 47
20017 - Mazzo di Rho (MI)
Tel. +39-0249795950 - +39-3292168067
Fax: +39-0249795950
P.iva: 09498080960
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